Friday, November 18, 2011


My heart is continuing to fight for Christ, and truth. The Lord speaks to me through writing. Its beautiful to be able to keep in front of me what he says to my heart. He desires I spread these words to the world. I have written countless poems of my journey. Tonight I will share a poem that fits what my heart feels tonight. The poem was started  a few months go but the Lord guided me to finish it tonight!!! Oh how wonderful the Lord works and speaks to us~

My heart is filled with Joy
It is emmeshed with the Lord
This is the Lords Joy
This joy is no one else's
This Joy is the Lord alone
He is Love
He is Joy
He is my hearts desire

Why did I go out to the world for Joy
The world told me so
It brought me to tears and anger
I ached more than I loved
It was sadness
It was death
The world was not my desire

The Lord brought me to my knees
He brought me to tears
He told me he was the Joy
He was my love
He was my joy
He was my hearts desire

The happiness did not last long
The world called me and I chose
My heart screamed th the Lord "Why"

I began to cry and feel
The Lord responded with Love
I cried out with utter sorrow
He responded "I desire you"

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Being present with Christ is what I long for. Feeling nothing is wrong and sitting in front of Christ is a desire of my heart. Where is this where he desires me to sit in front of his body, blood, soul and divinity. How does he want me to use my gifts? By running a marathon you will not God. A person will find God by sitting and listening. The world needs to sit and listen. They are listening to the crowd. The crowd says one thing while Christ says another. Many times the Lord will tell us one thing but its terrifying to follow because it is against the Crowd. Never be afraid to follow and listen to Christ. The voice of the Lord is quiet, but peaceful and its better than following the Crowd.