Monday, December 31, 2012

In the Lords time and way

One step, moment and a breathe at a time the Lord will show us the way. Many times in our lives we desire to solve the world problems. Growing up we have may have been in many volunteer opportunities for our churches, or community. This left us feeling good because people have benefited from our works. We loved doing the works for ourselves, and accepted the credit but never did the works for the credit. However, sometime in our life the Lord may call us to a different act; sitting before Him. For me and many others this is a hard task. We feel this is not doing any good for the world by just sitting in front of the Lord and being receptive to what he desires for us. To sit in front of the Lord is to be like Mary. Mary sat at the foot of Jesus, and listened. Martha did not agree with this action. But with her actions Jesus told Martha, "Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken from her".

Let yourself be ok with sitting before the Lord. Sometimes in our life this is our calling. He wants to heal  you, love you and SEE you!~ Dont be afraid to let the Lord see you!! Sit before him and tell him what is on your heart!! It seems as if many times we will continue to do much service when we have so much going on in our hearts. In these time just go for it, plop the but down and listen to Jesus! He will show you what he desires and give you what he wants in his way and time!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Showing us how to Love

The world tells us we need relationship after relationship to feel love. However, this leaves up feeling empty, and we then shame ourselves by looking for a relationship to fill the emptiness. Many call this a cycle of Shame. Many know they are in the cycle but do not understand how to reclaim a life without shame. There are many television shows out there that show same sex marriages, polygmous marriages, or one-night stands. These actions leave the person empty, and wanting more.  We must reclaim ourselves in Jesus Christ. However, when a person feeling shameful the last thing they want to do is to talk to Jesus Christ. They feel he may shame them or even worse reject them for what they done or how they feel. Thanks be to God... this is not our God. Our God will not shame you or disown you. He will give you the love that will fill the emptiness inside. It is not easy to go to the Lord and tell that we are lonely, and have been looking in all the wrong places. Yes, it is true He know how we feel. But when we give to Him we feel He will make our emotions pure and beautiful, and feel out emptiness with Joy. He can fill our hearts with the truth love that we deserve.

To give struggles to the Lord can be done through following the path St. Francis took to embrace a leper. At first he felt the Leper was vile and disgusting. With the grace of God, in time he was able to see Christ in them and embrace them as true brothers and sisters in Christ. Following this pattern we must learn to embrace what we feel is vile and disgusting within us.

For example:
I go in to prayer and I see the Lord sitting on a bench. I walk up to him and ask if its ok if we talk. He says Yes. At first I am a bit scared but I go forth and ask him questions at the bottom of my heart. His mouth opens and tells me such dear and beautiful words which touch my heart. These words touch my heart and give me love and peace which I desire!!!

Everyone can talk and embrace the Lord. Do not be afraid. He will tell you who you are in his EYES!! Regardless of what you feel, He will enter in and change your feelings, and fill the emptiness the world can never fill!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Participate dont Anticipate

To open my heart up to Christ continues to be freeing. This freedom open our hearts up to feel the Lord and His grace. For me personally feeling this freedom and grace has come when I least expected.

One evening my heart wanted to grow deeper in the Lord. My Lord led me to open hours with a priest who has deep care for the Lord and students. At around 8:30 he asked if we wanted to walk and talk. With my courage and Gods grace I went along with him. As we walked and talked my heart felt understood. It was as the Lord was walking next to and new everything even before I vocalized. Even when cars were driving by us, he didnt want me by the road in case a car became out of control. Because my heart felt placed in the arms of Jesus I let myself be open to the Love and Grace provided. When the conversation was coming to an end, my heart was slighly cracked opened to emotions of love and acceptance for the father. After absolution I became wrapped in the arms of my father in heaven. I began to fight the tears. However, my father in heaven told me to give yourself permission to cry. These words for beautiful, and so I went and hide behind a big Giant Jesus and let my heart be vulnerable before our heavenly Father.

Reflection from that night:
Oh my beautiful Glorious God to do your will is beautiful, to follow you on a journey, but to know your truth priceless. My Lord and my God it didnt matter what our sins you you show us beautiful compassion. You did not look up her with distain but love and mercy. Telling her to show herself give herself over to more energy for conversion rather than to place shame on give her permission to cry, and telling her You are Daugher of the Most High King. You told her she is changing and going through a paradigm shift, and this is beautiful. Looking into your eyes he said "Am I looking at you with less dignity is still the same for you!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Preparation takes time

Everything that is worthwhile is worthy of preparation. Tonight as I was looking through my journal entries from this past semester this line stuck out and reminded me of the journey that I have taken througout this semester. Towards the end of semester I wrote this journal entry which started my journey of freeing myself to be able to absorb the love of Jesus in a deep way.

On august 22 I entered a world full of Jesus, truth, people who wanted to live for the truth and people wating to help you live the truth. At the beginning I was ovewhelmed/excited/what have I gotten myself into feeings going on inside of me. Despite knowing that the Lord desired me that this college I was struggling with the fact that I felt I didnt belong. Because of this at my first opportunity I went to a priest who had just given a talk regarding Baptism. Because of the talk and feeling at peace listening I approached him and opened my heart up and spoke of my struggles. He was comforting with a bit of humor and tried to reiterate to me I was accept at the university. At the end of the conversation he gave me a hug and sent me on my way. A few days later I desired some personal time with the Lord.

Well, I walked into the chapel to find many students sitting in the pews. I whispered to someone asking what was occuring and they clearly spoke "praise and worship". I was excited, and rushed to sit in the front pew. Only having a few experiences with Praise and Worship all of them being good I was excited but unsure of what was going to occur. As I stood there trying to sing and pray I did feel comfortable raising my arms, or letting my heart be open to the Lord. While I was trying to pray the music became quiet, and the priest spoke of what the Lord wanted him to tell others. He tell the congreation,"There is a person here who feels out of place, who feels pagan, and who gave up a lot over the summer, and he wants you to know be a child and continue to be open to what was occuring (very paraphrased). At that moment my heart felt at peace, and I knew the Lord was present, and wanted to me be there.

The Lord was continuing to work. Because of my acceptance of this I wanted to grow in deeper truth of Jesus. One tuesday afternoon I decided to attend the sacrament of reconcilation. This was not hte first time confession, but this time it felt different. I had a feeling in my heart of wanting to puke, and sacred. Whenever I had this feeling in the past I knew it meant something deeply intimate was coming! When it  came time to pick a priest I picked a priest with glasses who seemed not threatening. As I approached I was nervous as all get out and wanting to throw up. I sat down and he said "Greetings". I said "Hi" and began my confession. After I confessed he asked me if I knew anything about Theophostic prayer, and I said No. Then he asked me if I was new? I said Yes. He said that after absolution he wanted to pray over me, but asked me if would have prefered it at that moment or later. Because of the desire to go deeper in the Lord Jesus Christ I suggested we pray at that moment. As we prayed my heart opened my heart up to the struggles of my heart. When he finished my heart, body and mind felt clear as ever!

By opening my heart up the Lord I was able to prepare myself for graces that He desire to bestow on me through the coming months!!!

( continuation tommorow))!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A lesson from Teen Mom

Who knew I would gain a lesson about living in the present from Teen Mom. During a therapy session for Amber, the therapist knew she was not focused in the present moment. Because of this her therapist sat down next to her and placed her hand on her stomach and said, "Be present". Many times we struggle with this idea. However, as I heard this moment I reflected on the moment.  This is what occured as I let the Lord show me what to write.

My body wants to stay present. Not become obsessed with future moments. I desire to be present. Not to sexualize each moment. The pure intimate moments. This is what I desire to experience. To stay in the moment of peace. To reveal what will give me peace. Not to obsess will be my greatest desire. Be present; to live fully in the grace of God. No obessesion can keep me from the present but my own insecurities. Im ok with myself at this moment. The moment. The touch. No over thinking in the words. Be present. You just do! Being present is a matter of faith and trust. Its about opening the heart up to the moment. Obsession becomes depleted. Peae comes and tears well up in the eyes. Be present. To continue to center oneself is the desire of the soul. No obsession will continue where the presence of God reigns in the soul. Its ok to surrrender in a pure way. To surrender to impurity brings a lack of presence only more obsession. To give presence to the soul is the greatest gift to the soul. Presence to the soul is but a calmness to the heart. To not overthink but surrender to Gods own will is the gift to your life.

The world has sexualized touch, love, and bodies for too long. We all desire hugs. We want love with worrying about extremes. A simple. light calming touch is what we need to desire. The world believes soo much is needed for intimacy. But the touch of a hand, the sitting next to a friend, a letter from a friend these are simple but beautiful moments. These are what we must desire. These moments we can hold onto for a long time. As a culture we must not worry about when these moments will come. Our hearts must continue to hold onto the moment for as long as the Lord desires. These moments of purity, and beauty will/can last in our hearts. To hold the simplicity in the heart is a great gift. To let the evilness of the world go, and live in the moment of love and grace in the Lord. To live in the present moment is to recieve God and surrender!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trying out marriage?

Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman. However, for some marriage is a time when a young girls desires to spend as much money as possible for a dress, reception, and a few hours of dancing. The perhaps a fews the couples do not see eye to eye which results in divorce. Their intention may have been pure at the beginning but the world may pull them into a world of confusion. When a husband or wife goes to world a person can become lonely. They look for happiness in places such as the internet or erotic novels. As they continue to indugle the marriage suffers, and the covenant is broken. To decrease this from occuring one must be rooted in Christ. Christ can help a person stay pure for their beautiful husband. Its not easy. The world does not want others to be pure in love. They continue to preach same sex marriage is beautiful, show woman in practically no clothing and promote plural marriage. Each of these ways of life will not fullfill anyone life. They are not rooted in what is pure and beautiful.

However, to erase these thoughts from ones mind and to battle the world place God into the mix. God will turn everything pure and beautiful. God is love and beauty. We must not listen to the world. The world cannot fulfill a soul. For the world has reject the Lord. He is the road to freedom. NThing else will bring freedom peace and love but the Lord God Almighty!! For he is was, and will be forever true fulfillment. For when marriage is rooted in Christ true beauty will reign! 

Monday, May 28, 2012

TV Love???!!!

Everyone desires love, and affirmation. Our hearts want to be held in a persons hand and feel completely at peace. Unfortunately, we want to find this love instantly. Many have tried to find this love on shows such as the Bachelor, and Americas Next Top Model. For many weeks, they either are given positive comments for pictures or engage in continuous sexual activitity to find a significant other. Either activity or show are not positive avenues to find what everyone needs. You cannot find love when the relationship is based on ratings, or affirmation when its based on having a pefect body. To find love and affirmation go to Christ. Christ will always affirm you heart and tell you "You are beautifully and wonderfully made"!! He will bring you ultimate fullfillment. He will guide, if you are not called to marry him, to a husband who will love Christ above all else. When this occurs the couple can lift up the relationship to Christ, and become one in Christ.

This love may not come instantly. We become frustrated and try to find love in other places such as the listed shows. The love with come in the Lords time. We must be open to the Lord. By staying open we must continue to recieve Jesus in word and in sacrament. Our vulnerable hearts will be at peace when we recieve Christ. Christ will guide our hearts if we ask! To be open to Lord is to find your true relationship wherever that may be. We must stop looking for love in all the wrong places!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Rhythm

The rhythm of the basketball, and the Rosary. What do these have in common? The rhythm of these match the to rhythm of our heart. The repetitive beat unites our bodies to calm and relax. Without this rhythm, this beat we would be dead. We would dead to life. When our rythm becomes too rapid we may be dying inside from too much stress. To continue the calming within our hearts we must pray calming prayers. Thse common prayers are the rhythm of God. The rhythm of God is peace. A priest once asked me to meditate on the scripture, "Why are you so terrified". Like the disciples they were afraid of the rhythm of the sea. Sometimes we become afraid of the rhythm of our lives. To combat our out of rhythm lives trust in the Lord. Reach out the Lord. He will calm the sea within our hearts. Our hearts will become in union with the beat of JESUS who is the ultimate beat!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Third times a charm!

I had once heard after you do something three times it becomes a routine. Well, for me doing something three time had been difficult. For many years I would pray the Rosary or the Liturgy of the Hours sporatically. Whenever I felt the Lord I would pray. If we would accomplish anything based on how we felt we would get nothing completed. There are days that praying the Rosary is difficult. However, I know that after I pray my heart and body are more relaxed. By praying or continuing a routine we are united ourselves to the Trinity. The trinity is three in one. When doing something three times we are completing and uniting ourself to the trinity. We must do everything for the trinity. For when we do everything for the trinity we are united completely to Christ. So, if you are having trouble praying...third times will do the charm!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The way we learn

We are unique. Everyone learns in different ways. Why do we believe that when not understanding something we feel unintelligent. In these cirumstances we are trying to copy someone else. This is the biggest mistake or our lives. When our Lord create he placed his unique inprint on our lives. He created us unique and different from everyone else. This uniqueness consists of the way we look, act and learn. some of us learn through speaker, while others books. Regardless, of the way we learn this is OK. Were  not the characters in the bible OK when they were learning valuable lessons pertaining to their lives. They were OK. If it werent for the lessons of forgivness, and trust we would be lost. God ordained each individual to learn lessons in a way they would understand God, and themselves. For this reason God ordains us to learn lessons in ways he knows we will understand. To understand the uniqueness of these lessons turn to the book Abandonment to Divine Providence which teaches us to learn to listen to how God wants us to learn!! For when we turn to him and not the world we can learn how to follow him! By his word we are free!

Friday, May 11, 2012

I feel beautiful

For a long time Rosary felt boring. I felt no connection. Everytime I prayed it was very robotic. When I was a missionary I was asked to pray the rosary for a Nursing Home. It was difficult to pray but out of obedience I did what I was told. Many time over priests and amazing Catholic speakers have suggested and highly encouraged many to pray the rosary. Well, on occasion I would become inspired. However, whenever I would pray the rosary I would only do it for a few days and then fall off the ball. Many times we do not pray prayers because we do not understand. Our lack of understanding may come from insecurities with who we are as people. Because this reigned true in my heart I could never stick with praying the rosary. Fortunately, the Lord has continued to cleanse my heart of my insecurites. With this cleansing I have begun to pray the Rosary. While praying the rosary I felt deep connections and beautiful with our Lady. She does not seem me as ugly but a beautiful girl who see wants to be connected with forever. No prayer, No insecurity, No question will keep the love of Virgin Mary and Jesus from you! Continue to reach out and do no be afraid of being vulnerable!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Jesus has forgotten

The Lord forgers ours sinfulness and so shall I. Many times we dwell on our sinfulness for a variety of reasons. We many believe because we have commites such sins as abortions, drunkeness, or adultery(in the heart), we believe God will not forgive. In our minds our sinfulness is so bad that not even Jesus will look at us with love. This is absolutely false. When we look at Jesus and he accepts us as we are. He will never look on us with distain for what we have done or failed to do. The world may bring us to continue to think of our sinfulness. Lets face it sinfulness is all around and there many triggers that may remind us of our pasts thoughts and actions. The one thing we must focus on is Jesus Christ. To focus we must find time during the day to remain silence, and just listen to the Love. The love which is forgiveness. Forgiveness forgets our past and renews our hearts! Let us confess what we have failed to do, and live with Jesus in front of us, in our hearts and behind us!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We are beloved Sons or Daughters of Christ. The world does not understand this concept. They want us to define us by how much money we have, who we know. and where we live. My heart does not want to be defined by anything of these things. Yes, these things are good. We do need to live somewhere, have money to live that place and we do need to know good people. However, there is one great who has defined us before we were born. Jesus Christ has defined us as his Daughters and sons. Sometimes our struggles, voices from others, etc tell us we are something else. We must never listen to these voices if they are not in line with the will of God. The will of God is we must listen to him and do our best to faithfully follow this voice. The world can be loud and try to drown that voice out. These voices can come through the television, classmates, or people who are close to you. For us to remain in Christ to stay defined by Christ is to be our survival in this world. We must listen and be still for when we are still the Lord speaks and tells us who we are. We are made in the image of the beautiful God. This is the truth and the truth will set us free.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Proof we love

Sin hurts the one we love.Our Lord becomes sadddened when we turn our hearts away from him. We also may feel quilt and disconnected from Christ and others. These proves we are in love with Christ, and desire to serve him. If we did not feel anything afterwards we have no connection with our Lord. These feelings are like being caught up in a fight with a friend. After the fight we feel immediately guitly because we know we hurt a loved one. This guilt with not remain in our hearts because Christ remains. Christ will take away our guilt because he is Love. Love can take away all guilt. We are his prodigal Children in whom he is well pleased!!!

In the moment

Every momnet is precious in the eyes of the Lord. However, we  become caught up in our emotions and do not believe the Lord is present. This occurs when we dive into sinful ways. At the moment of a snort, drink or escaping through a website that is all we are focused. That moment nothing else matters. Following that moment we beat ourselves up because we felt lonely in the moment. there is one problem with the statement. We are never alone. We are just afraid the Lord to see what we feel. We believe our emotions will not be cared for and seen by Christ in a positive way. However, this is unture the Lord will see all emotions and turn them into joy. He will hold our hearts, and love us with whatever we will. He knows our emotions and will care for them as any father would. He is our great heavenly father who created us out of his hands. Whenever you feel scared or worried about emotions remember the Lord knows what you are feeling and thus there is no need to feel afraid of what he will say. He knows our emotions and would never look down on what we feel!! We are all beautiful in the Eyes of the Lord. Let us never be afraid to tell him our sadness and concerns for our heavely knows!! He will always tell us WE are beautifully and wonderfully made!!!!

Lean on scripture

SCripture is inspired by the Lord. It is the truth which gives us hope and words to live by. Sometimes we fall short of these words. We fall short because our  culture does not want to follow the truth. They want us to believe in distorted love and killing babies is ok. These are not the choices of the heavenly father. Our heavenly father wants us to live as treat everything he created with pure love. To conquer distorted love we must turn to the song of songs. The songs of songs is a book in the bible which shows the erotic love of the beauty of love as it was meant to be. We must focus on this book to see love as it was meant to be. However, to conquer other struggle we may ask where we should turn in the bible for answers. Turn to the Holy Spirit and he will guide you to the specific scripture he intends for your heart. Sometimes he will talk to you and give you peace from struggles with these scriptures. These scriptures will lead all to the truth. The truth may hurt but whenever there is a cruxifiction there will be a resurrection. The resurrection will come indeeded. We must stick to the truth for the truth will set our country free.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Being defined

For many of years people have been defined by what they look like and not who they were as people. Many times a person dresses, and acts a certain way because of their circumstances. These thoughts came to mind while watching a documentary discussing the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In this Novel Atticus Finch is asked to defend an African American who is believed to have committed a crime. Throughout the trail it is realized Tom Robinson is not guilty however, due to the times he is found guilty and sent to prison.
Besides the trial being an important aspect of the novel Finches young daughter Scout. She loves to dress in pants and play outside. Many tried, including her father to become more of a lady. However, despite their efforts she continued to fight at school and wear overalls while playing outside. Many of these things occurred because of the lack of a mother figure growing up. When a person is young they pick up traits from their parents. Because she was raised predominately by her father she dressed more masculine.
Face value culture would treat her as something to be desired. However, I see her as a broken child. Because of the lack of a mother figure she was trying to find out who she was. She wanted to someone to love and guide her. Fitch was helpful to this aspect. He was smart, intelligence and new right from wrong. Every time Scout fought she would go in his arms to learn a lesson about justice and standing up for the truth. By doing this she was being formed. She was formed through the trial, and school.
If you look deeper at the life of Scout you see a girl who is trying to find herself rather than a girl who is not dressed appropriately. She is beautiful because she is looking, questioning and wanted to grow!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Man cannot live off facebook alone

Man cannot live by bread alone but every word (Mat 4:4).This scripture came to me as I was really struggling to keep my lent resolution. Prior to Lent almost every day I would spend hours on Facebook looking at statuses and asking for support when I felt lonely. However, each time after I was done with a conversation or looking at statutes there would be a feeling of loneliness still in my heart. At the start of lent I was half-assing it. In my head/heart I knew I wanted to and was going to cheat on Sundays. However, when Sunday came around I would use the excuse its Sunday and days are a resurrection.  After using for a few minutes I would just be on there for a while, and end up using the next day. Well, each subsequent day I gave into Facebook, even though I reached out to people I felt more lonely and disconnected to Christ. This past week my mind set about my Lenten feelings changed.
I had an opportunity to chaperone/attend a youth rally this past weekend. I really didn’t know what to expect, except we were bringing a few kids to praise and worship Jesus. Well, we entered the room full of kids/adults some wanting to people there while others forced for a variety of reasons. At the start of the rally Bob Rice started off with a concert. The music was wonderful; full of love of God. After the opening music Ennie Hickman brought Christ to his thoughts, and invited all to be open to the day. Following the talk were inflatables. Inflatables are gigantic bouncy houses; some were obstacle course while others a basketball game and jousting game. Even though this was mainly for kids the youth leader and I hung out with the kids and acted like kids. Following my exercise we were asked to attend a session in the gym. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Well, we sat down and learned Ennie Hickman was going to give a talk on prayer. First opened with prayer then he apologized for the talk not being a list/direction way of prayer. Then he opened his heart and began to speak of his experiences with God’s love and forgiveness. During his talk he brought up to thoughts that sparked my heart. For a while I have been struggling with getting back up after I sin and thinking that God did not want me back. Well, he used his heart by saying God isn’t there to keep you down and yell at you but convince you/encourage you to keep you in his embrace and love. He also spoke about how beautiful it is to sit in gods lap and not placing on any expectations.
At the end of the talk he encouraged all to come and speak with him if they felt inclined. Well, I always take the opportunity to grow in my relationship with Christ. I immediately walked up to him, waited for the announcements to be finished and started to speak. We shook hands and I asked “how do I not intellectualize Gods love”. He told me there was no problem in doing so. AS the conversation progressed he asked me I knew was solitude was. I said I had heard of the world. He then mentioned loneliness. My heart was tugged by the Holy Spirit. He knew I was lonely, and knew what need to be spoken of. He told me to seek Loneliness as a gift from God, and as my heart continued to let Christ into the Loneliness I would enter in deeper solitude with him, decrease comparing myself to others, and be happy in myself. I ask if my emotions were ok. He said yes, anything I feel is ok. At the end of the conversation I felt good, told my youth leaders I was going to confession, was handed a map and left the gym. While in line I helped girls to prepare their hearts for confession. After a while I entered the confession. My heart was open and honest to God; was told I was loved sinner and to be patient while waiting for Gods will to be known. After my soul was cleaned the bounces continued with the kids. Bouncing was making me tired and hungry. Fortunately, after bouncing was lunch. I sat with kids and make sure they were safe. Following lunch was an Amazing concert given my Bob Rice! Being able to jump up and down, seeing others love Christ is always a wonderful time. Seeing all to witness to Christ was a touch of the God significant love and glory! The conference continued with the bishop presiding over the mass alongside two amazing priests as homilist. As always the mass taught me about the Love of Jesus, and a moment to consume our Lord by mouth. Following mass was an hour of beautiful adoration. A time to see Jesus, love Jesus, and listen to JESUS!! The Lord just let me, along with others sit in front of him. My heart felt nothing but love and didn’t worry about anything around me but JESUS!!
Following the end of adoration my group left the conference. On our way home we talked about the day and everything we encountered!! I mentioned I was struggling to keep my Lenten and he confirmed what the Lord stated early, “Get up and keep going”. The car ride ended, and I made it home.
I will continue to fight for truth, love, and live off of the word of God not Facebook!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Prayer Requests

Loving is praying. If I seek in prayer the good of my fellow creature, and then go and try to promote it, I am practically praying for his good in my actions. If I seek, as I should, God's glory above everything, then if all my actions are meant to tend to God's glory, I am continuing to pray, though I may not be praying with my thoughts or with my lips. Oh, that our whole life might be a prayer. It can be. There can be a praying without ceasing before the Lord, though there be many pauses in what the most would call prayer. Pray then without ceasing, my brothers and sisters

The only way to Jesus is through prayer. Pray with the HANM Team and Prayer warriors TONIGHT AT 9pm RIGHT HERE. Hundreds of requests will be posted and hundreds of us will be praying for them. List your requests below. See you at 9pm –


If you struggle with an addiction to drugs, alcohol or pornography, if you are cutting, have suicidal feelings, if you are being bullied, if you feel alone, helpless or hopeless… Hard as Nails Ministry would like to pray for you. If you need prayer or someone you know needs prayer. JOIN US TONIGHT at 9pm.The HANM Team and Prayer Warriors will be right here to pray for you.

Post your prayer requests--- below. They will be added our list and hundreds all over the country will pray for you.



Post your prayer requests below. Hundreds all over the country are waiting to pray for you.

Please share this post with others so they too can receive healing through prayer.






    • Sarafina Ferguson -WOW thank you guys for all your prayers for my friend Aimie, she didn’t believe in God, but now she is questioning his existence. She is slowly getting there and yesterday she asked me, "how do you become a Christian?" she’s not ready yet but God is definitely doing something in her, PRAISE GOD!!! So please continue to pray for her that she will encounter Jesus, thanks for the Prayer HANM and God bless.


      • Maria Sabene Murray shared this: I just want to pass on the miraculous news that my friend Erin who I've asked HAN to pray for (32 year old young mom with stage IV I curable breast cancer three months ago) was told yesterday that the cancer in her spine and lungs is GONE! The doctors have no explanation for the results which showed up on the PET scan! Praise God!


      • A prayer of thanks. Father, great God of mercy and love, we thank you for Justin Fatica, the current and past staff and all that have played a part in and supported Hard as Nails Ministry. As we approach our 10 year anniversary we ask, if it is Your will, Father, that we may continue to serve You by serving your children. … This we pray in the name of Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen (The HANM Team)

      • A friend was overcome by carbon monoxide. He was in very bad condition. He is 22 years old. Thank you Jesus! He now is doing well and was recently discharged from hospital. Thank HANM and all that prayed for him.


      • Krista Reits shared this: Thank you to everyone who prays every night with the HANM team. After two months without work, my dad has been offered a job and starts working Wednesday morning. Praise God, He has answered my prayers! Everything happens for a reason and everything happens on God's timing, I just need to trust. Thank you for your prayers! God bless :)



        • Elizabeth Mainardi Just to let you know, X is doing much better now & the suicidal thoughts are starting to decrease. Thank you all for your prayers!!


        The H.A.N.M. ( I-POD App) prayer requests:

        -Please pray for me… God knows why I need prayer.

        - I’m scared that I’m losing my best friend.

        -Please pray for my mom

        -Please pray for my sister in law who is in need of deep healing and conversion and is undergoing a serious spiritual oppression. Thank you very much HANM.

        - for my friend you wants to take his own life. That God will help him.

        -for my friend who is fighting brain cancer. She needs all the prayers you can give her. Thank you.

        -Please pray for me, I am battling a hard case of depression and anxiety. I’m trying to find the Lord again to help me. Thank you

        - that God shows me the correct path and direction in my life. What is best for my daughters

        - please pray that I get the job I applied for.

        - For Jo Ann that she does well in school.

        - for my mother-in-law who is fighting cancer (8 years)

        -for my husband and I who are trying to get pregnant again after a miscarriage.

        -please pray for my adoption.

        -for my whole family, and our continued unity.

        -For my good friend who is going through cutting. That she will find Jesus in her life and come to know Him.


        ***** Loving is praying. If I seek in prayer the good of my fellow creature, and then go and try to promote it, I am practically praying for his good in my actions. If I seek, as I should, God's glory above everything, then if all my actions are meant to tend to God's glory, I am continuing to pray, though I may not be praying with my thoughts or with my lips. Oh, that our whole life might be a prayer. It can be. There can be a praying without ceasing before the Lord, though there may be many pauses in what most would call prayer. Pray then without ceasing, my brothers and sisters

        - Patricia Kelliher

        Lord, With your bright and open heart forgive me for showing darkness to the light.

        Putting my back, to what is right was wrong and i have sinned against you.

        Forgive me O merciful one because i have relished my wrong and i am sorry for what i have done.

        Lord i am ready to contiue following in your footsteps. Take my from the dark.

        Hear me now O lord.

        Bob Kennedy PLZ pray for Heather, Kay, Marcheta, Kevin and Tyler. TY HANM team!!!!


         -Bob Kennedy PLZ pray for Heather, Kay, Marcheta, Kevin and Tyler. TY HANM team!!!!

        Marco Mastro Men's issues,...nuff said!

        -Could you please pray for my friends children to find peace with our relationship? We would love to be married but his children don't want someone other than their mother. She passed 4 years ago.

        - Serena Celine - My addiction to ........... and my friends thoughts of ~~~~~~~


        - David Cabrera my addiction....


        - Nicholas Patrick -Help me get through another week of school with all my test and wresting practice.


        - Mary Martin Stouffer -Please pray with us for all those affected by today's shootings at Chardon High School. Thank you.

        Tamura Caskey prayers for our troops. We lost 31 in a helicopter crash:(

        John Paul Cowlin - Praying that youth ministry at my parish grows

        Connie Erhardt Stensland -Please pray for us, we are trying to have a baby and it has been five years. And for my daughter to do her best to graduate high school.


        Chris McKee - Please pray for me as I have been battling through some serious depression and have really fallen away from my faith lately. I am hoping to get back to it this Lent but there are several issues that are all coming together at the same time to make things very difficult and depressing for me. I would probably benefit from Catholic counseling but I have no health insurance to afford it. So please pray for direction as well. Thank you for the prayers and God bless.

        Yvonne Macedo - for Soledad Mendoza, she is 36 years old and diagnosed with lung and colon cancer. Thank you.


        Lynn Kudlak - for 3 year old Emma who has an inoperable brain tumor and has been given only 6 weeks to live. I pray God gives her a miracle.


        Hannah Kirschner -Please pray for my mom. Last year, when Justin came to my school, I made a commitment for her because she has Breast Cancer. This summer, she was clear. But after her check-up yesterday, we found out that a 15 year treatment that is supposed to keep the cancer from returning isn't working. The cancer is back and so while we can put her back on chemo, we don't know what that means after that. God gave us a miracle this summer when she was healed, I pray for another this time.


        Ryan Krzykowski - for a young girl named Lauren M. She's having a lot of trouble with stuff and really needs some help. Thanks guys

        -Steve La John- for Carl Ferguson and his wife. Carl has metastasized cancer. Please pray that our Lord will have mercy on him as he prepares for his journey home to his Father.

        Nick Coombs - For luke warm Christians. May the Holy Spirit set their hearts ablaze!

        Ron Jorgensen - for ky two middle school friends who are cutting themselves. Rachael

        Michelle Ann Brumm Please pray for The Brumm and Backaus family also for the Bogowith family may that family have healing with them through God.

        Patricia Kelliher Gracious and Holy Father, give us the wisdom to discover You, the intelligence to understand You, the diligence to seek after You, the patience to wait for You, eyes to behold You,
        a heart to meditate upon You, and a life to proclaim You, through the power of the Spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen

        Connor Tibbs - for the family of Alexandra Rozzi. This family has gone through so much hardship and is falling apart. Please pray for this family. May the lord, master of love, conquer the power satan is using to deceive this family and bring them back to the way things use to be. This family needs a miracle. It is awful to see this family that I know and love turn out like his. Thank u all my brothers and sisters in Christ. May the lord bless u all and wrap his loving and healing arms around this family. This is there last hope. I love u all!




        Julie Workman Onuoha - pray for me to find peace and clarity in regard to relationships and my career. I need guidance. Thank you very much for your prayers, and God bless you all.


        Candice Wilcox - For those who struggle with same sex attraction that they might find peace, and know they are still loved, and can fight for the truth of love!!


        Aaron Pfoutz - for a 19 year old man Michael Proudfit who was in a car accident and has severe head trauma. Thanks


        Sara Aaker – for the family and friends of Lauren Peterson, we graduated together in 2011. She died in a car accident . Please pray for her.

        Patricia Bullock Tapia - Praying for God's strength and wisdom in our marriage.

        Jennifer Aimee -For the conversion of my Family. For a friend that just discovered that her pregnancy will come with complications to the baby. For clarity in my life



        Linda Theuerkauf Tew -I have a personal prayer request tonight. My son has ADD and because of his 15 year old hormones we are having trouble finding a medication that works for him. In the mean time he is getting into a lot of trouble at home and at school. I encourage him everyday to take control and of actions and think before he acts but he is really struggling. He is a very playful young man with a big heart and he does everything he can for anyone he can. This is very hard for him. Please pray that we can find the right medication soon. Thank you.

        Elizabeth Mainardi - for my family & friends and for an end to this political mandate. For the upcoming election, for an end to abortion, and for all those struggling with addiction & sin. Thank you!!!


        Kathleen Hill -Please pray for RJ


        Billy Santoro My mom


        Patricia Kelliher Heavenly Father, lover of all, we praise you for giving us Jesus as our Savior:
        He blessed the children who came to Him, and welcomes those who come to Him now.
        Look with love upon these children and protect them with Your love.
        May they grow in wisdom and age and strength in Your presence and in the sight of all.
        We ask this blessing, Father, through Your beloved Son, Christ our Lord. Amen.


        Elizabeth Mainardi - I want to pray for those who are afraid to post their intentions.


        Heather Shall Wargo -Please pray for me as I have been struggling with temperance and prudence of late. God Bless you!


        Patricia Kelliher - O my God, trusting in your promises and because you are faithful, powerful and merciful, I hope, through the merits of Jesus Christ, for the pardon of my sins, final perseverance and the blessed glory of heaven. Amen


        Danika Boever -pray that I don't give into temptation...


        -For those who struggle with eating disorders, including myself and many friends throughout the country who are fighting their way through recovery.

        -I need a prayer for strength and understanding. PLEASE

        -for peace in my family and freedom from addictions.


        -Can I get prayers for learning to understand the things I cannot control, and to just, live life, with me knowing everything is in Gods hands...please


        -that all those who are addicted to pornography, that they will find peace in the arms of Jesus Christ.


        -for my sister has no friends, she is hurting. Pray for her.

        -for all those who feel worthless, that we will have the courage to encourage others.


        The following are just some of the HANM Prayer Warriors praying for your requests:

        The Hard as Nails Team, Steve, Justin, Ryan, Monica, Sarah, Krista, Nick, Yvonne, Kate, Theresa, Dean, Lisa, Sandra , Jennifer, Bri, Kara, Craig, Sarafina, Candice, Lynn, Linda, Jeannie, Connie, Patricia, Lola, Erin, Robin, Julie, Carmen, Donna, Melissa, Ron, Emily, Robert, Bertha, Maria, Teri, Bruce, Paul, Bob, Elizabeth, Andrew, Patricia, Lisa, Christopher, Liz, Tracy, Shillie, Hannah, Nicolena, Maria, Juan, Mary, Connor , Ciara, Evelyn, Fernando, Brandon, Diane, Adriane, Mark, Beth, Sue, Carrie, Susi, Robin, Ed, Tanner, Kendall, John Paul …. And many more!—


        Paul Lehman For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20… I will be praying for you all. Do not lose your faith due to your struggles… because God still believes in you..


        Mary Fatica says: I am so encouraged by the prayer community surrounding this ministry! Praise God!! I would like to ask prayers that the Lord would bless the next week and a half we will be spending as a family, that this time is fruitful for our marriage and children and that He will use it as a time of renewal so that the travels that have passed and the travels to come will not cause us to lose sight of the blessing His call is in our lives. Thank you ALL!! I am praying for all the intentions listed on the page!


        Elizabeth Mainardi says: Thanks for keeping me & my intentions in your prayers. You've motivated me to a much healthier prayer life. Thanks!! :D


        Erin Brogdon says: Thank you all so much HANM for praying! We finally found the cause of my headaches: sinus polyps!! God bless! :)

        Nicole Naporano says: Hard As Nails Ministries has helped me to believe in God's love for me. Jesus is working in ways I never could've imagined. He has given me strength to carry the crosses He gives me, knowing that He has put me where I am for a reason. Thank you HANM.


        Linda Theuerkauf Tew says:. Lord, I thank you for HANM and for the opportunity to pray for all the people who have listed their requests on this wall. I thank you for my friend Steve LaJohn who introduced me to this wonderful ministry. I know that as I read and prayed for each person's request, along with all the other prayer warriors, you were already working in the lives of those needing and requesting our prayers. You know our thoughts and prayers before we can even release them from our hearts and lips. Lord, I pray that you continue to cover Justin with your coat of armor and keep all evil away from his mission. I ask this as all things, in Jesus name. Amen.

        Bob Kennedy says: Thank you HANM for your consistent prayers for those of us who need them...we you guys!!

        Candice Wilcox says: Because of the prayer time I feel I have a purpose right now other than school; to pray for others. It makes me feel accepted and needed!!

        Kate Buan says: You are doing a very good thing here HANM. Thanks for being there :)

        Julie Workman Onuoha says: Thank you so much HANM, for your prayers for my family and me. I pray for HANM daily. Thank you for all that you do. You have helped me more than you will ever know.


        Justin Fatica says: I just want to let everyone know that since we started our Facebook prayer at 9pm a few months back our events are becoming more grace filled, our staff is becoming closer together and Jesus Christ is really empowering us like never before. Keep praying and thanks for your prayers.

        Monday, February 13, 2012

        A touch of the Father's love

        The Lord has touched by soul. He refreshed me soul. The touch he gives my heart brings tears to me eyes. Who am I that he would come to my heart? I am his Daughter. Im am his beloved Daughter. This title comes to me because he ordained this to be so. Whatever I have done he gives me his love. I never expect it to happen but he brings his love to me. This weekend he brought his love directly to me through adoration, and through a priest. Unexpecting God is beautiful. Being touched by God happened in the wee morning hours. I was socializing with some of the girls on retreat and father came up being me and placed his arms around me. It felt playful at that moment then he answered my question about vocation saying "we are all called to love". Then Father left the room. After he left I looked for a moment and knew Christ wanted me to tangibly feel his love. Being wrapped in the Fathers love tells me Im his Daughter!! Being Called a daughter is life!!!

        Wednesday, January 25, 2012

        Listen to Christ

        While I was reading a book called Abandonment to Divne Providence I came across this sentence which struck my heart. The sentence states, "We want to know what he said to others and do not listen when he speaks to ourselves". This is my reflection

        We are unique. I am unique. Our struggles make us unique. I keep trying to be like others. Trying to fit in where others have fallen in. God has created as space for me. A place no one has created because God, in his perfect plan has already created a space for me. A place for me to do his will. No one can repeat as I cant repeat others. I am unique.

        God created me to help accomplish his will on Earth. I have to follow when he speaks to me. It may be through a person or a book, or directly from me to him.It may be for me to enter a religious community where we can lift each other in prayer.  His will is for me to listen and follow him by doing the best I can to not become caught up in the world of death.

        There are like mindede people in this world. We are all striving to follow his will, and to tune out what is not of God. The voices of death tell us we are alone, we are no good, or God does not exist. But the voice of life tells us we are united to him, making us uinted to each other.

        We have one purpose. That purpose is to strive to do Good, fight what is evil and pray for one another.

        Let us reach out to christ before all else there is on this Earth. We must listen above all else. Pray, listen and say connected to Christ. You are not alone.

        Tuesday, January 24, 2012

        Advice that touches my heart!!!

        If it is not his will that you enter this community, then they will not take you, and you will be ok with it.
        Because in the end, it's all about doing his will
        and no one will look down on you for having tried.
        And no one will look down on you for not having been accepted
        (Father Peter Pilsner)

        Wednesday, January 18, 2012

        Broken to Beauty

        My greatest fear is that I will forget where I came from. My heart and my God desires me to help people see they are beautiful Daughters of Christ regardless of where they have been in their lives. Growing up I did not care about my appearance, and cared less about dressing like a girl. Throughout my school days I wore baggy clothes, and felt comfy. However, I did not have many friends and I didnt know how to be feminine. I wished I had knew of people who I could look up to. In todays world there are some woman young girls can look up to. They include; The Virgin Mary, Leah Darrow, Crystallina Evert, The Dominican Sisters Mary Mother of the Eucharist, many other religious sisters, and other woman on EWTN. Growing up I wish I reached out to someone who saw me as a Daughter of Christ. Because of me not reaching out I feel into the selfishness of the world and gave into disordered relationships. As I am healing my heart and not giving in to Christ I wonder if I will forget what I felt like to be broken.

        As I have been praying and talking with others the Lord reminded me he will bring up my story when it is his will. He will have me use my story in his way and not mine. He will help me see my beauty, give my heart confidence in him, and help me to preach he is the one to follow. The Lord doesnt want me to forget where I came from but he wants me to be deep in him for when my story is brought up I can feel the emotions and not punish myself for my past. He has told me not to punish myself for my past does not define me but will be used to help others see what is good, pleasing and perfect.

        Others may feel the same as I did; lost confused, perhaps friendless. We, as woman need to preach, live out, and desire to be better woman to help those who has lost their femininity. I will continue to grow into my femininity. I may not desire to wear a dress or a skirt constantly, but desire to be who Christ desires me to be. A person who loves Christ, others, and herself.

        As St. Augustine says "There is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future"!!

        I am a modern day female version of St Augustine to a point!!! :)

        Friday, January 6, 2012

        Answering our prayers

        Many times a day we ask Christ do help us on a particular manner. Then after a while of relates to wating we believe the Lord has not answered our prayers. However our lack of understanding correlates to how many did not understand Christ when he spoke about Easter . When he was telling others he will destroy the temple and in three days he was going to raise it up he was speaking about the ressurection.Like the ressurection we misinterpet Gods will. We are looking for our will and not looking for deeper answers. We may be asking him if we are called to a particular order or mission. In our questions we ask where we are called. Because we feel he is giving us signs for a particular place we focus on that place. However, he may be giving us signs for a different purpose; a purpose to grow closer to HIM. For example, everything many watch Leah Darrow, or listen to beautiful missionaries you are not necessarily called to mission but you are called to be what they preach; ie Daughters/Sons of Christ or to serve the Lord in truth and love. So, the next time you ask the Lord a question be ready to look for an answer on a deep level!!

        Thursday, January 5, 2012

        Prison Break

        I broke out of a prison inside
        It hurt my heart to stay
        The chains are broke
        My heart feels fine

        Their is a breath in my heart
        A freedom to the soul
        It is free to be me

        The world will not dictate
        The world will not listen
        The world does not know the truth

        We are free to breath
        We are free to live
        We are free to be

        The prison inside will not remain
        For the Lord will stay within
        For thus he will always forever remain

        Wednesday, January 4, 2012

        Live with Christ

        Let us Live with Christ

        This is a poem compiled while listening to Christ

        You are leading me to your great Glory
        It wont be under big lights
        It will be under your arms

        In my heart
        Around my world
        You will serve me and will love me

        This is my will
        This is my plan
        Your are my desire
        I desire you

        You will serve me
        You are my daughter

        You will I love
        You will I protect
        You will I nurture

        The world is tearing you apart
        It is not your heart
        You must run from the world
        Run to me and live the truth
        For the truth will live on in you

        The truth is love
        The truth is life
        The truth is a way to peace

        Nothing will be greater
        Nothing will be deeper
        Nothing more beautiful

        I and you
        You and me
        Together will we remain forever