Saturday, October 1, 2011

Let Christ increase

A prayer to decrease in onself and grow in Christ

Prayer for Humility

Oh Jesus; meek and humble of heart, hear me
From the desire of being esteemed
Deliver me Jesus (repeat after each line)
From the desire of being loved
From the desire of being extolled
From the desire of being honored
From the desire of being praised
From the desire of being preferred to others
From the desire of being consulted
From the desire of being approved
From the fear of being humiliated
From the fear of being despised
From the fear of suffering rebukes
From the fear of being calumniated
From the fear of being forgotten
From the fear of being ridiculed
From the fear of being wronged
From the fear of being suspected
That other may be loved more than I
Jesus grant me the grace to desire it (after each line)
That others may be more esteemed that I
That in the opinion of the world
others may increase and I may decrease
That others may be chosen and I set aside
That others may be praised and I unnoticed
That others may be preferred to me in everything
That others may become holier
Provided that I may become as holy as I should!!

May this pray bring you closer to Christ who is our father, daddy, master, and consummation in heaven!!!

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